La "Diecimila del Faro" è un 10K Fidal su percorso omologato.                                                                                                                                                Maglia tecnica Joma e medaglia a tutti i finisher

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Mappa Diecimila del Faro


Participation in Bibione Fun non-competitive 10 km is allowed, up to 850 subscribers, to all those who have reached 16 years at the May 6, 2023.
It is not a walk, and so it is not recommended for those who are unable to travel at least a distance of 10 kilometers to fast / slow running pace.

The participation fee is € 15,00

Given the passage on the same stretch of the Half Marathon, for safety reasons and to avoid being reached by athletes of Bibione Half Marathon, is not allowed on the course the use of bicycles, strollers etc.

Race start: 08,50 am
Maximum time: 1 hour 20 minutes

Registration for the "Bibione Fun 10K" of Saturday May 6, 2023, may be carried out until all the available numbers:

The registration fee includes:
- t-shirt technique of the event
- Race number
- Refreshments along the way
- Final refreshment on arrival
- Storage service personal clothing on arrival

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